
  • namioty reklamowe, namioty domenamioty reklamowe, namioty dome

    Advertising tents dome

    The Dome tent is designed for customers who appreciate originality and unique solutions. The tent is based on a pentagonal plan and has a dome shape which effectively distinguishes it from standard shelters.

  • namioty pogrzebowenamioty pogrzebowe

    Funeral tents

  • pufy reklamowepufy reklamowe

    Advertising beanbags

    Comfortable advertising
    Comfortable beanbags with advertising printings are perfect event additions. Reinforced fabric and digital printing over the entire area make beanbags and cubes irreplaceable advertising media



  • Placeholderkostki reklamowe


    Ten wygodny nośnik reklamy znajduje doskonałe zastosowanie jako wyposażenie miejsc spotkań biznesowych, barów, restauracji, salonów sprzedaży oraz imprez eventowych.

    Nowością jest koskta reklamowa składana CUBO, łatwa w transporcie, wygodna oraz praktyczna



  • namiot stałociśnieniowy, namiot pneumatyczny, namiot reklamowynamiot stałociśnieniowy, namiot pneumatyczny, namiot reklamowy

    Constant pressure advertising tents omega

    Perfect solution in locations with difficult access to electricity!

  • bramy pneumatyczne, bramy reklamowe, bramy startowebramy pneumatyczne, bramy reklamowe, bramy startowe

    Inflatables gates

    A classic start/finish gate, a indispensable part of many sport and cultural events in the local and international community.

  • bramy pneumatyczne, bramy reklamowe, bramy startowe, namioty stałociśnienowebrama startowa, brama stałociśnieniowa, brama pneumatyczna

    Constant pressure advertising – OMEGA gates

    Perfect solution in locations with difficult access to electricity


    √  Light and functional constant pressure tent without air-blower
    √  No air-blower = no noise inside the tent
    √  Aerodynamic shape

  • windymanywindymany


    Airdancers are vigorously moving characters. Air circulation provided by the fan results in their movement. This kind of advertising ensures that the viewers can’t be indifferent to it. The product is available in two models: one-legged and two-legged


  • figury pneumatyczne, figury dmuchanefigury pneumatyczne, figury dmuchane

    The sky’s the limit

    Replicated products, custom-made shapes or giantic mascots. Inflatable products enable the advertisement of your brand as best as possibile. Eye-catching and attracting attention original shapes are perfect for outdoor and indoor events demanding ingenious promotion.

  • beachflagi, winderyBeachflagi, Windery, Flagi reklamowe


    Beachflags are light aluminium constructions with flags. The printing is always visible no matter the weather conditions. Light and sectional system guarantees quick and easy assembly and storage. Beachflags are a perfect backdrop to any outdoor or indoor event, fairs or promotion proving to be one of the most cost effective forms of high impact advertising. The systems attract attention during summer and winter advertising campaigns. Thanks to its unique form your message is noticeable in a dynamic environment.



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